Happy Wednesday!
I started out yesterday morning afternoon with sweeping the back porch. The leaves looked very pretty scrambled all over my porch, but I know they will get all nasty and stick after the next storm.
I made some coffee and stirred in some Hazelnut creamer...mmmm!
I skipped breakfast... and lunch too.
I made the best/worst decision yet: moving my blu ray player upstairs to my room.
It is settled on my bed-the perfect distance between one cord going to the TV and the other to the power outlet. It's probably a fire hazard.
I haven't gotten my DVD player to work since I moved here. The solution was to bring the blu ray player to my room. The thing is...it's hooked to Netflix and Pandora. Productivity will now decline.
I spent a big chunk of the day listening to a Christmas station on Pandora.
I already know I'm crazy for jumping on the Christmas bandwagon this early...don't try and change me.
I did a short run and walk. It felt good to get out and get some exercise after a weekend full of the lazies.
My phone pictures look pathetic after posting the gorgeous ones from Monday.
I had to get to school 30 minutes early this morning for a review of last week's Maternity test. It always turns into a courtroom where everyone is pleading their case on why they chose a certain answer. I find it amusing when the professor tells them their thought process is wrong.
The dynamics between Maternity and Peds is so different. The professors in Peds are very lenient on exam questions. I think 20% of the class got one of the questions wrong...so they threw out the question.
We had a midwife come in and talk for the first hour of actual class.
She brought up the video I mentioned in my post from the summer. She said she always starts out her lectures to med students with it.
I'll insert it again.
It's funny....only because it's true.
We had a midwife come in and talk for the first hour of actual class.
She brought up the video I mentioned in my post from the summer. She said she always starts out her lectures to med students with it.
I'll insert it again.
It's funny....only because it's true.
During lunch, we were given boxed lunches and a seminar.
The seminar was about applying for our license and the whole process.
Guess what?
The process starts very soon-January.
The first step is getting our fingerprints done. haha
It looks like the process will go much faster if I apply for a NC license and then have it transferred to Texas. Luckily, Texas is a compact state. That will make my life a little easier when the time comes.
I've got another YouTube video that a professor showed us during Leadership lecture.
It plays off the notion of having electronic records.
We talk about going to electronic health records that can be accessed by all your health care providers.
Could you imagine how creepy the following would be?
I hightailed it home after class to come home and take my Maternity quiz. I completed that and got in a run.
I finally finished up last week's Research lecture and reading. Now I need to move on to this week's.
I have been chugging water ever since my dehydration headache this weekend. I got down a gallon today while I was at school. The only downside is I kept getting up to go to the bathroom. I barely made it to each break on the hour.
Today marked the last day I will register for classes in nursing school.
Can I get a "Wooooohoooo"?
Today marked the last day I will register for classes in nursing school.
Can I get a "Wooooohoooo"?
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