Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stephen Colbert and Kanye? Not a bad day

My alarm buzzed and I awoke to begin a day that would last 11 hours.
I sat down in pharmacology class and the first 5 things the professor said were jokes.
She told us she would do her best to keep us awake for a 3 and half hour class.
We did go over some basic stuff that she called "boring". She said it would be the driest lecture of the semester.
...but we ended on a good note
a video of Mr. Colbert!

Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c

At 11:30 we had a break for lunch until 12:15. I used this time to print off what seemed like 1,000 things. So much paper...
Next up, Mental Health!
Call me crazy, but I'm really looking forward to this class.
One of the things we talked about was jared lee loughner. This would be the kid who shot and killed 6 people in Tucson, Arizona back in January.
All the signs were there, but no one did anything:

The professor told us that two of the most important parts of the brain when it comes to mental disorders are the frontal lobe and the hypothalamus. I'm sure everyone remembers Kanye getting up on stage and telling Taylor Swift that Beyonce deserved her award.
He was also responsible for this little message:

What I didn't know, along with most of my classmates, was Kanye was in a car accident many years ago and suffered frontal lobe damage. So not only is his brain physically damaged, he has chemical problems going on too (alcohol).

I found out that my first mental health clinical is on Sunday and Monday this weekend. It was originally next Monday and Tuesday. I was really looking forward to having a day off on Sunday, but now I must wait until Tuesday!

My next class was Health Promotion/Disease Prevention. I was as excited as anyone could be after 7 hours of lecture going into another 3 and half hour course.....but it wasn't bad. It is another graduate level course and I like the freedom.

We got out an hour early (at 6) and I needed some Noodles and Company. Stesha met me up there and I enjoyed it sooo much!
I arrived at home to cat puke on my other book bag. This cat is really starting to get to me. She just had to get me back for leaving her for 2 weeks alone.

yes, I took a picture

I needed to get outside after this long day. I went for a run/walk.

I am run down and I just wish I had a day to catch up on sleep and get ahold of all this reading. I have a feeling things will die down a bit after 2 weeks. I have a few 4 day weekends once I get into June. I just need to make it that far.

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