Monday, July 9, 2012

MD Anderson Interview

I'm stopping by to share the fact that I passed my Jurisprudence Exam on Saturday and I'm so glad to have that over with. Now I just wait for the Board of Nursing to send me my official license. 

I had my interview at MD Anderson this morning with the HR department. I arrived one hour early for the fear of traffic and parking making me late. The parking garage was the exact same one I parked in for my dental school interview 3 years ago. The school is right next door to MD Anderson. It's amazing how much has changed since then. 
I decided to go ahead and make my way to where I needed to be and checked in 45 minutes early. There were 3 other women waiting with me. It made me feel like I wasn't that special. I just need to keep in mind that there are several positions open. Somewhere between 30-70 I believe.
Things went smoothly. I got caught up on one of the questions and I had to think for a minute before answering. The lady who interviewed me was very nice. We talked about Romania in the first 5 minutes.
I heard one of the other interviewers tell a girl that she would see her again next Monday and this made me think that they would go ahead and tell you if you made it to the second round of interviews.
Once my interview was over, the lady said she was going to go ahead and invite me back next week =)
I could finally breathe.
I have an interview scheduled with a panel of nurse managers next Monday at 2:30 pm. I scheduled one in the afternoon this time. Getting up at 7am this morning made my body very angry. Lance didn't even get to sleep until 6:30 this morning and I'm sure I made so much noise it kept him up after that. I chose Monday (they had Mon-Wens open) too because I figured Lance and I could celebrate after he finished his final next Monday.
The job is set to start on August 13th and that is great because Lance starts his last Fall semester that day!

Other than that, I've just been playing with the puppy. She has been a little naughty these past 2 days. She had let up on the biting, but these past 2 days she has been biting everything. She must have some teeth making their way through. 

She is now 11 weeks old and weighs 19.3 pounds. Only .7 lbs more to gain before we get her a new collar (I promised Lance).

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