Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 2 is done

It's back!
Pumpkin Spice Lattes

I've continued to be busy, but I've continued to keep up with my walks/runs!
I've ran into some wildlife the past couple of days. I'll take it as a reward for my hard work.

I ran into 4 deer (including two babies) on yesterday's evening run.

It was also the first night in a week that I didn't have something school related the next I cracked open some pumpkin ale I bought at the store a couple of days ago.
I was a bit disappointed. It tasted like regular beer to me.

 I slept in this morning for the first time in a while and it felt amazing.
I had some breakfast and hit the pavement.
The first thing I ran into right out my front door was....ANOTHER DEER.

Stesha and I went to see Contagion yesterday afternoon after clinical.
It is for our community health class. We have to answer some questions over the movie and it is 20% of our grade. Pretty cool right?

I really enjoyed the movie. This afternoon we got together to work on the questions (we are allowed to work with one other person). We followed that up with a visit to Sushi Love =)

It did not open for another 15 minutes, so we sat outside and enjoyed the weather.
I noticed one lone tree that is starting to turn yellowish (on the left).

We had some Sushi and left.

I came home and began working on this week's Peds quiz. It is open book, so I printed it out and finished all the questions.

My plans for tonight are to watch THE THING.
I saw a preview for the new version (I had no idea it was a remake) and it looked horrifying. Once I found out there was one made in the 80s, I searched netflix and realized it was streaming.

Hopefully I won't get too scared.

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